  0086-18989305995        sales@mosinterchem.com

FAQ Category


  • Q How do you treat quality complaint?

    A First of all, our quality control will reduce the quality problem to near zero. If there is a quality problem caused by us, we will send you free goods for replacement or refund your loss.
  • Q How to start orders or make payments?

    A You can send our your Purchase order (if your company has), or just send a simple confirmation by email or by Trade Manager, and we will send you Proforma Invoice with our bank details for your confirmation, then you can make payment accordingly.
  • Q How to confirm the Product Quality before placing orders?

    A:Free samples can be sent to you for testing and confiramton quality 
    B: Production according to your specifition 
  • Q Is there a discount?

    A Yes, for larger quantity, we always support with better price.
  • Q Can I get some samples?

    A Yes, we can supply the free sample, but the shipping cost be paid by our customers.
  • Q What's your MOQ?

    A For the high value product, our MOQ starts from 1g and generally starts from 10gs. For other low, price product, our MOQ starts from 100g and 1kg.


MOSINTER GROUP was established in 2004. The main office is located in Ningbo, China. The production are located in Zhejiang Province, Jiangsu Province and Shandong Province in China. Specializing in the production and marketing of chemical products, MOSINTER GROUP has excellent production equipment and a high-performing sales team as well as advanced manufacturing technique, comprehensive quality management system and modernized testing methods.



  0086-18989305995
  sales@mosinterchem.com
  YinXianDaDao 1357, Guangbo Center Office 2003, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China
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